articles by date
articles by date
ACCC complaint
ACCC complaint


17th March 2025

A complaint to the ACCC over monopolistic behaviour of software giants

Recently, when Microsoft updated the copy of the 'Windows 11' operating system on my home computer, they removed a handy text editing program called 'Notepad.'

'Notepad' has been one of many small utilities that come with the purchase of a Windows operating system for as long as I can remember.

'Notepad' can create and edit 'Rich Text Format' files, (.rtf.), which have many of the features possessed by files produced by 'Microsoft Word' (.doc & .docx). Now that 'Notepad' is gone, I find I need to use Microsoft Word to access any data I have stored in rich text format files.

I believe this is an attempt by Microsoft to force their customers to purchase, (by a continual rental agreement), their expensive package 'Microsoft Office 360' and is an abuse of monopolistic power by a powerful corporation.

I have thus submissed a complaint to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, hoping to alert them to several practices by large software companies that I think contravene Australian consumer law.

Submission to ACCC


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Gaza genocide

Wikipedia article sighted 8th March 2025

article    local-copy

I was astonished to read this Wikipedia article on the continuing genocide being committed by Israel against the Palestinian people of Gaza. People have taken the time to absolutely record the detail, with extensive references.

In Australia there has been a huge drive to conside any criticism of Israel as anti-semitism. So I thought it wise to take a copy of this article lest it be taken down.

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Medieval blood libel
Medieval blood libel

3rd February 2025

Three Antisemitic Slurs that Israel Makes True

A beautifully referenced article by David Spero examining what has become obvious since the 7th October attack and Israel's continuing genocide in Gaza, that slurs brought against Jews since the Middle Ages are being made real by the actions of the Israel Defense Force in Gaza and the West Bank.

Intro.     article     local-copy

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The cost of smoking ceremonies
The cost of smoking ceremonies

12th January 2025

A few days ago some news articles appeared decrying the amount of money being spent by government agencies on welcome to country and smoking ceremonies ($452,953 in 2022-2024).

The fact that the ABC didn't report the issue at all says a lot about ABC bias and has prompted me to write a short article on my 'agenda' page.

agenda-article with links

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Louise Adler
Louise Adler

ABC 7.30 Report: Laura Tingle Interviews Louise Adler

intro.     video     transcript

I have put up an 'ABC 7.30 Report' interview with Louise Adler, director of Adelaide Writers' Week. It aired on 4th December 2023.

Adler discusses the furore created by three actors in the Sydney Theatre Company's new production of the Chekhov play 'The Seagull', wearing the Palestinian scarf during curtain calls.

Adler, a woman of Jewish heritage, supports the rights of actors/artists to be involved with the political processes in the world around them and express their opinions and feelings.

"There's been a long and assiduous campaign by those who support Israel and it's governments... to suggest that any criticism of Israel is intolerable and inappropriate. And that project... has been crucial in promoting a conflation of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism."

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Bernie Sanders

Sighted: 15th December 2024

US Senator Bernie Sanders on 'Oligarchies'

[A 5-minute video worth a watch.]

YouTube     Transcript

Bernie Sanders

I have added a 5-minute Bernie Sanders YouTube video to the internet archive, under the heading of Totalitarianism.

Sanders discusses 'oligarchies', and how they are not just in Russia, but they are a global phenomenon headquartered in the United States. The top 1% of the world population controls 95% of the world's wealth, and increasingly they are using that wealth to buy elections and protect their position of power.


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The Four Worlds
The Four Worlds

12th December 2024

Tzvi Freeman: The Four Worlds  [of the Kabbalists]  (article)

An article from the site describing the 'four worlds' of the Kabbalah.


This presentation of fundamendal ideas from the Kabbalistic tradition is presented from a Jewish/religious point of view. Whilst the article states that God: '... fills all worlds, ... encompasses all worlds, and there is nothing else but Him'; there still remains a notion of an external relationship between God and the self—something to be worshiped and communicated with rather than realised.


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Spender submission
Spender submission

6th December 2024

Allegra Spender asks voters what they think.

Where I live in Sydney has been allocated to the federal electorate of Wentworth. (Previously in the electorate of Sydney.)

My new federal member of parliament, Allegra Spender, has asked her electors for their opinions via an on-line survey.

I have put up a rendition of my submission.

Submission to Allegra Spender


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Martin Heidegger
Martin Heidegger

21st November 2024

Martin Heidegger, (1889-1976) was a German philosopher famous for his unique interpretations of traditional metaphysics and theories of being and human nature. He held that Western metaphysics, since Plato, has neglected the question of what it is/means 'to be.' He criticised the Cartesian framework, (Descartes), for not going beyond establishing that 'I' exist, and not inquiring into the nature of the existence of that entity which 'I' am.

I have re-posted a short article on Heigegger's concept of 'dasein' — a mode of being. Heidegger sees human existence as a continual projection of oneself into the future. It is, at any moment, essentially, 'on the way' from what we were and sought to be, towards what we will be.



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Rutherford on race science
Rutherford on race science

20th October 2024

I have put up a critique of an article that appeared 2 days ago in 'The Guardian. (link to article)

The article purports to reveal a sinister international network (funded by tech. billionaires), working to institute an agenda of eugenics in Western society.

The article is at best a diatribe, but it illustrates one of the fundamental processes of political correctness: namely, the vilification and cancelling of words and ideas that can, in any way, be connected to recognised atrocities such as the genocidal programs of the German Nazis in the 30s and 40s.

Read my critique here: (link)


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Zionism versus Bolshevism
Zionism versus Bolshevism

I have put up an essay written in 1920 by Winston Churchill, entitled 'Zionism versus Bolshevism: A struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People.'  (Intro.)

This is only a short essay but a fascinating read.

Zionism versus Bolshevism


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Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick

I have put up a collection of quotes by Philip K. Dick, the celebrated science fiction writer, on the 'Quotes-Worthy' page. (Link.)

Like Descartes, Dick was constantly questioning: 'What is reality?.'

'Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.'

'There is no route out of the maze. The maze shifts as you move through it, because it is alive.'


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Ong: 'Orality and Literacy'
Ong: 'Orality and Literacy'

I have put up a readable copy of Walter J. Ong's 1982 masterpiece Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word, in the 'Books I am Reading' section. (Intro.)

Ong identified a huge gulf in the perception of language between people in oral societies (those without writing) and people in societies with writing. A gulf so profound and reaching so deeply into consciousness that people who can read and write are incapable of appreciating how the technology, which is writing, has affected them.

Intro.    Orality and Literacy


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In current duscussions the term 'makarata' is being touted as the traditional Aboriginal dispute resolution process. The short description we hear is 'the coming together after conflict.'

In his 1937 book 'A Black Civilization: A Social Study of an Australian Tribe', American anthropologist W. Lloyd Warner, (1898-1970), gives a detailed account of 'makarata', derived from three years spent studying (and living amongst) the Murngin people of Arnhem Land.

According to Warner, makarata is a resolution process that can be followed after tempers have calmed, but it carries a presumption of culpability of one of the parties, always involves the drawing of blood, (often mortal wounding and death), and may lead to open warfare between the parties.

Makarata is a coming together after conflict. But it is a coming together for retribution, physical ordeal and punishment.

Warner gives a detailed account of the makarata process (pages 163-165)

I have also transcribed all the sections of text that are mentioned under 'makarata' in the index. Though indirect, these exerpts add depth to the description of the makarata process. (link)


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Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy
Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy

Aldous Huxley: The Perennial Philosophy

I have added Aldous Huxley's 'The Perennial philosophy' to my collection of ebooks.

Perennial Philosophy proposes that the recurrence of common themes across world religions shows they all point to universal truths about the nature of reality, humanity, ethics, and consciousness.

Intro.       Perennial Philosophy


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Misinformation Bill 2023
Misinformation Bill 2023

Thursday 1st August 2024

Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023

In early 2023, the Australian Federal Government called for public submissions on a proposed misinformation & disinformation bill. (download)

There were over 23,000 responses—many of them critical of the bill for suppressing free speech and setting up the government as the ultimate arbiter of truth. (my submission)

The government has subsequently put off the bill's introduction until sometime in 2024 and undertaken to 'overhaul' its provisions. (Guardian article)

The Government department which ran the submission process, (Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts), proudly states on its website, (link), that all submissions are 'available on this page.' But they forget to mention that you must be a subscriber to 'Microsoft Office 365' to be able to open the spreadsheets containing the links to the submissions. And even Google Docs and Google Sheets were unable to open the files!

This is just another sign of the evolution of political correctness and 'wokism' into fully fledged totalitarian dictatorship.

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The Perennial Philosophy and Christianity
The Perennial Philosophy and Christianity

Tuesday 16th July 2024

The Perennial Philosophy and Christianity (article)

I had never heard of the term 'perennialism' till I read this article by Graham Pemberton on (link)

A great philosophy which has the potential to bring all the world's religions together. I have put a short introduction up on my Internet Archive page. (link)

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SBS News
SBS News

Tuesday 16th July 2024

Comedy Festival 'Cancels' Barry Humphries (article)

I have republished an SBS News article of 25th April 2023 on my Internet Archive page that tells of the 'possible' plans of the Melbourne Comedy Festival to commemorate and honour Barry Humphries (recently deceased), even though they had dropped Humphries' name from their top comedy award, because he had dared to express his personal opinions about 'transgender' and 'gender reassignment'.

online     local copy     comment

This is a clear example of 'woke cancelling' and reminds me of the George Carlin quote:

"Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners."

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Max Muller
Max Muller

Monday 24th June 2024

Max Müller, (1823–1900)

I have put up a selection of quotes and a brief description of Muller's main theory, how words, constructed to express abstract ideas, are transformed into personified entities and then ossified, through the mechanisms of mythology.


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Colombia Law Review
Colombia Law Review

Thursday 13th June 2024

Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept. (Legal essay)

A paper by Rabeah Eghbariah, published in the Colombia Law Rewiew, (sighted) 13th June 2024).

Intro.     Online     local copy

A study of the metamorphosis of Nakba, meaning "Catastrophe" in Arabic, through the ruinous process of establishing the State of Israel in Palestine — the 1948 mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians from Palestine and the destruction and looting of Palestinian homes and villages by Zionist paramilitary groups — into a brutally sophisticated structure of oppression, including episodes of genocide and variants of apartheid.

This paper came to my attention by a 'Democracy Now' interview on YouTube with the author, reporting that rather than publish the paper online, the Colombia Law Review took down their web site.


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Vivekananda: Karma-Yoga
Vivekananda: Karma-Yoga

Monday 10th June 2024

Swami Vivekananda (1884-1937): Karma-Yoga

Swami Vivekananda, born Narendranath Datta, was an Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, author and religious teacher.

Most of his published works were compiled from lectures given around the world, which were mainly delivered impromptu and with little preparation. 'Karma Yoga' is one of 5 books derived from stenographic transcriptions of lectures delivered in New York in 1895-96.

I have now put up a readable copy of 'Karma-Yoga' in my ebook collection.

Books I'm Reading Index          Karma-Yoga

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Friday 31st May 2024

Trickle-down Economics

'The Conversation' today had an interesting article by Carl Rhodes, Professor of Organization Studies, University of Technology Sydney.

The Conversation article      local copy

It inspired me to add an entry in my Glossary for the term 'trickle-down economics.' (link)

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Margaret Mead 1959 interview
Margaret Mead 1959 interview

A Conversation with Margaret Mead

and William Mitchell 1959

A YouTube video of Margaret Mead, famed anthropologist, being interviewed by William MItchell.

An interesting, mid-century view of human society by one of the true pioneers of anthropology.

YouTube link     Transcript     Summary

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Opium Poppies Daniel Prudek/Shutterstock
Opium Poppies Daniel Prudek/Shutterstock


Exploitation, brutality and misery: how the opium trade shaped the modern world

I have added a copy to the 'Internet Archive' of an article from 'The Conversation', 7 May 2024, written by Kevin Foster, Associate Professor, School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University.

It gives a detailed review (and summary) of Amitav Ghosh's 'Smoke and Ashes: Opium’s Hidden Histories.'

online     local-copy

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Medium Header
Medium Header

The Paradox of Jewish Identity

Added to the Internet Archive an article by Antoun Ananias, (a Jewish person), discussing the notions of Israel and the Jewish identity in the light of DNA studies of the relationships between Jewish Israeli citizens,Palestinians and a wide range of ethnic groups.

According to Ananias, the modern day Palestinians have a far higher DNA concordance with the ancient inhabitants of Israel than the Askenazi Jews.

online     local

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Dion Fortune: Sane Occultism
Dion Fortune: Sane Occultism

Sane Occultism by Dian Fortune (1890-1946).

I have put up a full, readable copy of Dion Fortune's 'Sane Occultism' in the 'Books Reading' section.

Fortune was a British occultist, ceremonial magician, novelist and author. She was a co-founder of the Fraternity of the Inner Light, an occult organisation that promoted philosophies which she claimed had been taught to her by spiritual entities known as the Ascended Masters. In Sane Occultism she is adamant that magic and occult studies, though often dealing with unseen forces, must still be grounded in Reason, and she explains how claims of psychic ability and past lives can, and should, be verified.

Sane Occultism

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Alfred North Whitehead
Alfred North Whitehead

Friday 22nd March 2024: Quotes from A. N. Whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) was an English mathematician and philosopher. Most famous for writing the three-volume Principia Mathematica (1910–1913), with his former student Bertrand Russell, considered one of the twentieth century's most important works in mathematical logic.

He created the philosophical school known as 'process philosophy' which identifies processes, changes, shifting relationships, or becoming, as the only real and fundamental things of the ordinary everyday real world. (See Heraclitus.)

This collection of quotes shows him to be a 'behind-the-blackboard' type when contemplating language and the philosophy of science.

A. N. Whitehead quotes

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Balfour Declaration 1917
Balfour Declaration 1917

Saturday 16th March 2024: Balfour Declaration

The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community.

The term 'national home' is stated as being in Palestine, not superseding it, and not a Jewish homeland as often claimed. It also contains the admonishment that 'nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine'.

Balfour Declaration


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  cricket batsman  

Date: 3th March 2024

ABC Sports News: MCC changes 'batsman' to 'batter' (article)

I have added an expanded comment on the Internet Archive page about an article that appeared in 2021 reporting that the Marylebone Cricket Club has decided to stop using the term 'batsman' because it is a gender specific term. Instead, preferring to use the term 'batter' in the future.

Internet archive entry

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Police Mardi Gras
Police Mardi Gras

Date: 28th February 2024

Police banned from Mardi Gras parade

A major news article this week has been the murder of a gay male couple. A serving police officer stands accused of shooting them with his service revolver and hiding their bodies in bushland. Consequently, in a 'hissy-fit' moment on Monday, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras board asked police not to take part in Saturday's march.

This is a good example of 'Gatekeeping' in ethics and I have written a short article about it on the 'Gatekeeping' page.

(gatekeeper link)

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Date: 28th February 2024

keywords: quotes, Paracelsus, alchemy

Quotes from Paracelsus 1493–1541

I have added a collection of quotes from the 16th century physician, alchemist, theologian and mystic Paracelsus.

Paracelsus was the first medical professional to recognize that physicians required a solid academic knowledge in the natural sciences, especially chemistry. He believed that science and religion were inseparable, and scientific discoveries were direct messages from God. Thus, he believed it was mankind's divine duty to uncover and understand all of His message.

He saw beyond the iconism of knowledge and religion and encouraged experience of the energy behind the symbol.

'Man is a microcosm ... he is an extract from all the stars and planets of the whole firmament, from the earth and the elements; and so he is their quintessence.'

Thus his interests tended towards an inter-connected view of medicine, science, alchemy, astrology, and Hermeticism. Whilst encouraging scientific 'observation' he recognised the importance of 'Intuition.'



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niaa expenditure
niaa expenditure

Date: 25th February 2024

keywords: Aboriginal names

ABC News article: Latest K'gari (Fraser Island) dingo attacks spark breeding season warning (link)

This article concerning dingo attacks on Fraser Island did not mention Fraser Island. I wrote down what I heard and I transcribed it as 'Dahlee'.

I was brought up knowing the term 'Fraser Island', but it is now referred to by it's Aboriginal name. I did a Google question and found the Aboriginal name is transcribed as K'gari.

I posted a short critique on the practice on my 'Daily Thoughts' page.


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niaa expenditure
niaa expenditure

6th February 2024. An addition to the Internet Archive page under 'Aboriginal Issues: Truth Telling'.

National Indigenous Australians Agency grants January to June 2023

The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) is a Federal Government agency. It spent $2.645 billion in 2022–23, (link), as part of the indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) to deliver a range of programs for Indigenous Australians (and similar amount in 2023-24).

This document gives details of the grants approved by the NIAA from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023.

report pdf download

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'The Subjection of Men' by Ernest Belfort Bax
'The Subjection of Men' by Ernest Belfort Bax

Bax: The Subjection of Men

Originally published in 1896, this pamphlet (64 pages), was written by an unnamed Dublin barrister, but added to and published by Ernest Belfort Bax.

It contains the fundamental ideas that Bax would later develop into his work 'The Fraud of Feminism' 1908.

'The Subjection of Men'

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Gatekeeper logic
Gatekeeper logic

23rd December 2023.


What we see and hear, through news media, films etc., even in private conversations, is the result of a process of filtering and censoring. This process is called 'gatekeeping'.

Gatekeeping ranges rrom the innocuous consideration of a 'topic of interest' to fascist prohibitions of free speech and the cunning mental manipulations of advertising agencies.

The notion of Gatekeeping is extremely useful in assessing the quality of information and the soundness of arguments both logical and ethical.

This article on 'gatekeeping' will gradually accumulate examples of 'gatekeeping' I observe from time to time.


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20th December 2023.


An article on inspired a short essay on Darwin's theory of evolution and it's integration with modern notions of epigenetics: how an individual's behaviour (diet etc.) and environment, can lead to selective gene expression which is inherited by the individual's offspring.

'Article in Internet Archive'

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ABC 7:30 Louise Adler
ABC 7:30 Louise Adler

4th December 2023.

ABC 7:30 Louise Adler on the suppression of criticism of Israel

I have produced a transcript of the interview with Louise Adler, prominent publisher and arts promoter.

I was surprised to see this interview on the ABC 7:30 program. Louise Adler, prominent publisher and arts promoter, speaks of the harrassment and bullying she has experienced at the hands of the pro-Israel lobby.

I have produced a transcript and comments on my page devoted to analysing the hidden agenda of the news media.

video      transcript      comment

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1st November 2023.

I have put up a selection of quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) on my Quotes-Worthy page.

Collections of famous quotes: Nietzsche

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ABC Australian Child Maltreatment Study
ABC Australian Child Maltreatment Study

ABC News item: 21st October 2023.

'62% of Australians have been abused, neglected, or exposed to domestic violence during childhood.'

This was the headline for an ABC News report (on TV), on 3 April 2023. It referred to the Australian Child Maltreatment Study published by Journal of the Australian Medical Association and funded a National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant and other government funding.

video       transcript      report download

I wrote about this at the time on my Internet Archive page under the category 'Stupidity in the Popular Dialogue'.

It seems no one has bothered to analyse the methodology of the survey the report relates too. I did so, and by my calculations the headline should have begun '1.3% of Australians ...' not '62% of Australians ...'.

6 months later, and influential people are still quoting the 63% figure as a proven fact. Read my analysis here:

Internet Archive          Agenda

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Report finds 78% of Australians support warning labels on alcohol

ABC News item: 20th October 2023.

The ABC News is up to its old tricks of quoting as fact the 'findings' of an obscure lobbying group.

I have put up my own research into this 'report' and the 'interesting' company that provided the 'data' on which the report is based.

'Agenda' article

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EU chemicals ban
EU chemicals ban

19th October 2023

2022 European Environmental Bureau: The great detox — Put on Hold (article)

In April 2022 the European Commission announced a 'roadmap' towards banning some 12,000 chemicals known to cause cancer, infertility, reduce vaccine effectiveness and generate other health impacts, that are found widely in everyday products.

online       local-copy

Jump forward to October 2023 and we hear that the plan has been delayed and well may be abandoned altogether. There has been a 'growing political backlash against green measures' and 'the EU chemical industry’s revenue soared by €232bn between 2011 and 2021.'

October 2023 article

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Voice the 'No' case
Voice the 'No' case

25th September 2023

The Arguments for the 'No' case

A copy of an article I posted on that lists the arguments of against enshrining an Aboriginal voice to Parliament in the Australian Constitution.

Media presentations of the arguments for the 'No' case have been highly restricted, and given a biased and negative interpretation. So I have put together this collection of summaries.

The Voice 'No' arguments

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Thomas Keneally
Thomas Keneally

22nd september 2023

Thomas Keneally rails against 'the astonishing lies of the no campaign... 22/09/2023

Article        local copy       critique

I have put up a critique of this article on my 'Internet Archive' page. (link)

I list what he claims are 'lies' with references to source documents that shed light on them.


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Jacinta Price
Jacinta Price

14th september 2023

Senator Jacinta Price delivered an address to the National Press club on the 14th September 2023. It can be viewed in full on YouTube.

I have also put a brief summary on my Internet Archive page and made a full transcript.

YouTube      transcript      Summary



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SBS Everything You Need to Know About the Voice
SBS Everything You Need to Know About the Voice

SBS News: Yes or No? Here are the key arguments for and against the Voice (article)

13th June 2023 by Finn McHugh.

This SBS News article is typical of the confused, virtue signalling of 'Yes' campaign material. It purports to list the arguments for 'Yes' and for 'No'. But what arguments it does mention, it waters down or confuses and leaves out the arguments that are most compelling for the 'No' case.

online      local copy      critique

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Daily Mail Header
Daily Mail Header

Balmoral Beach Aboriginal land claim: Chunk of 'prestigious' and affluent Sydney suburb worth $100m is claimed by an Indigenous group

'Daily Mail Australia' article 6th September 2023.

article online      local-copy

Mosman council has voted to oppose a native title claim over a bush reserve adjacent to popular Balmoral Beach. Interestingly, the article reveals there are some 3,000 Native Title claims for land in Sydney, and 40,000 in New South Wales awaiting assessment.

Of further interest is that the responsible NSW government departments forbade any publicity or public notification of the matter, insisting it remained 'classified' up until about 30 minutes before the council meeting, and, although I have searched, I have found no mention of this item on any ABC news outlet.

One can only wonder that the 'secrecy' has been imposed so as not to tarnish the glow of the 'Yes' campaign for a constitutionally enshrined Aboriginal voice to parliament.

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John Howard on the voice to parliament
John Howard on the voice to parliament

30th August 2023

On the day before the announcement of the date of the Voice referendum John Howard outlines his views in a Sky News interview.

YouTube      Summary


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New Daily header
New Daily header

29th August 2023

Paul Bongiorno writes on the 'Voice' debate

online article    critique

A article in 'The New Daily' by Paul Bongiorno who states that the proposed constitution change to enshrine an Aboriginal voice to parliament is mereley about recognising First Nations people as the first human inhabitants of Australia.

He sums up the arguments for the 'No' campaign as 'extending from crude racism to wild exaggeration'.

More comments on the 'Internet Archive' page.


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23rd August 2023

ABC News, SBS News & Reuters on supermarket profits

I have put up a short article on my 'Media Agenda' page that analyses the figures of a media claim that big supermarket chains are making record profits whilst consumers face huge increases the prices of basic items.

The claims fail to take inflation into account, which was 8% in 2022-23. When you 'do the maths' Coles profit, touted as a 4.8% increase, was actually a decline of 3.82%.

Reuters was the only organisations that referred to Coles' profit as 'a dip'.


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Spectator header
Spectator header

17th August 2023

Liberal MP Bev McArthur reveals secret agreements between Victorian Government and Aboriginal groups

Published in the Spectator on 17th August 2023, this report from Bev McArthur gives details of secret agreements entered into by the Victorian Government with Aboriginal groups.

internet-archive      online article


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Murray Newman
Murray Newman

17th August 2023

I have put up a transcript of a 'Paul Murray Live' segment on Sky News (YouTube). Murray interviews Maurice Newman, former chairman of the ABC. They discuss a recent report from the ABC Ombudsman, Fiona Cameron, and Newman calls for a royal commission into the continuing bias and misleading reporting on the ABC.

Sky News - Paul Murray Live.

YouTube      Transcript
Internet archive entry


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Indigenous Expenditure Report
Indigenous Expenditure Report

16th August 2023

I saw a meme which purported to quote figures from a Productivity Commission report of 2017, which calculates the amount of money the Government spends (on average) per person for Aboriginal and non-aboriginal Australians. I decided to do some fact-checking.

Internet   Archive   article


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Reports and findings
Reports and findings

7th August 2023

Reports & Findings The words 'reports' and 'findings' are so misused in the modern dialogue that their meanings have been corrupted. Times were when they carried a meaning somewhat related to 'verifiable' or 'factual', but today they more often refer to the propaganda put out by interest groups.

Here is a page under the 'Misuse and Abuse of Words' heading dedicated to collecting analyses of reports that are presented in the media as factual, but are in fact propoganda. Note that these were first listed on the 'Internet Archive' page.

Reports and 'Findings'


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Michael Mansell on the Voice
Michael Mansell on the Voice

21st July 2023

New articles in Internet Archive

I have put up a few small entries on the Internet Archive page.

Michael Mansell explains that the Voice would be a powerless symbolic structure. That's why he opposes it. He wants treaty, black sovereignty, land and water rights.

Michael Mansell on why he opposes the 'Voice'

Laura Tingle compares opponents of the Voice to the architects of Robodebt. What purports to be 'analysis' is just abusive ad hominem. ('Abuse' in 'old-speak'.)

Laura Tingle on the 'Voice'


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universal declaration of human rights

15th July 2023

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948)

This Declaration consists of 30 articles detailing an individual's "basic rights and fundamental freedoms" and affirming their universal character as inherent, inalienable, and applicable to all human beings. It was accepted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948

As it is the foundational text in the history of human and civil rights and directly inspired the development of international human rights law, I thought it appropriate to add a copy to my 'Books I am Reading' library.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


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13th July 2023

Fertility struggles can be costly and time consuming. Living with a disability can make them even harder (ABC News item)

This ABC News article features a woman with brittle bone disease (a cruel and debilitating genetic disease), who wants to have a baby by IVF. Because of her condition she can't work and lives on the invalid pension. She knows her child will probably have the debilitating and excruciatingly painful condition that she has, but pleads that she will be a good parent, and it is her human right to have a child.

The article is a good example of 'gatekeeping' in logic/ethics. (Where an argument is constructed within a highly restricted set of relevant factors.)

I have written a short article on the 'internet archive' page and copied to the 'agenda' page.


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Victor Hanson
Victor Hanson

3rd July 2023

Victor Davis Hanson: The Worst Thing Any President Has Done in My Lifetime

I have added a YouTube video to my 'Internet Archive' page. Victor Davis Hanson, American classicist, political commentator and professor emeritus of Classics at California State University, discusses the racialising effects of 'wokism'.

Everyone is rushing to identify with a racial minority group in the hope of gaining some edge. What was a steady progression towards an integrated, racially diverse society, is breaking down into rampant tribalism.

This is a clear and reasoned interpretation of the modern phenomenon of 'wokism'.

Internet Archive   transcript


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Victorian policeman

28th June 2023

ABC News: a new report prepared by Inner Melbourne Community Legal (a not-for-profit legal aid agency), has found, after analysing Victorian police COVID fines data, that:

'The Victorian Police force is using racial profiling... African and Middle Eastern people were four times more likely to receive a COVID fine than their proportion in the population would predict, and First Nations people two and a half times as likely.' (See agenda' page.)

Needless to say, for a report suggesting that racism is rampant in Australia, a detailed analysis of the report presents a vastly different picture.


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Iain McGilchrist
Iain McGilchrist

16th June 2023

I have added quotes from psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist to the 'Quotes-worthy' page.

In his books: The Master and His Emissary and The Matter with Things; McGilchrist develops and explores the functions and relationships between the brain's two hemispheres.

The left hemisphere focusses and separates perceptions, operates logically within the framework of the 'known', and is incapable of discovering or imagining anything new. Whereas, the 'thing itself' is 'present' to the right hemisphere. It is 'conscious of the 'Other', whatever it may be', and can 'hold several ambiguous possibilities in suspension together without premature closure on one outcome.'

McGilchrist's work allows wonderful insight into the progress/regression of science, the current dominance of scientism and physicalism, and the limitations of language.



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Girls around a computer
Girls around a computer

15th June 2023

I have added an item about an ABC News Report on a recently released UN Gender Bias Survey, on my 'agenda' page.

The report is headed:

'Almost nine out of 10 people still hold biases against women.'

But it would be more correctly headed:

'Australia is one of least gender-biased nations in the world.'

This is an example of the ABC misrepresenting data (in a UN report) so as to spread male hate content. It frankly beggars belief.

See write-up:



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2022 Population Statement
2022 Population Statement

Date: 9th June 2023

I have added an item on to 'Agenda' (a page under 'Current Issues') about the ABC News presentation of the 2022 Population Statement, issued by the Federal Government's Centre for Polulation on 6th January 2023.

The ABC misrepresents a 'slowdown' in the rate of population growth as a 'getting smaller' in population.

It also fails to bring in any comment from the sizeable political view points that are opposed to continual population growth.

This seems to be a fundamental principle of ABC behaviour: not giving any air-play to views that oppose fundamental Government policy. (A good example of 'cancel culture')

Agenda - Population Statement


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Date: 6th June 2023

I have added a selection of quotes from the Chinese Confucian philosopher Mencius, (Mengzi 372–289 BC), to my collection of quotes.

A primary principle of his work is that human nature is fundamentally righteous and humane.



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Women & Property
Women & Property

Date: 1st June 2023

Added an item to the 'Agenda' page. It shows ABC News promoting the findings of a report and either:

  • not reading and analysing the report, or
  • deliberately disseminating false information to meet their own covert agenda.

The ABC report was headlined 'Men own more real estate than women' and 'men can save for a 20% home deposit a year earlier (on average) than women'.

On analysis of the report, the evidence indicates the reverse of the ABC statement is true: there might be more property deeds with men's names on them, but the total value of all those properties is most probably less than those of women. Further, even though many women don't have their names on the deed to their properties, they have effective ownership and occupation rights.

The ABC article, and the report, is an aggressive 'beat up' of men, by using fabricated and manipulated data.


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Date: 22nd May 2023

Added to the 'Internet Achive' page.

After Skool
After Skool

This is a brilliant YouTube video by After Skool, in collaboration with Academy of Ideas, entitled, 'Mass Psychosis: how an entire population becomes mentally ill'. It explores the mechanisms of totalitarianism: how a population can be brainwashed, subjected to a flood of misinformation and driven by fear and anxiety into a condition of 'menticide' where their critical abilities are so impared that they sanction all kinds of horrendous practices.

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity


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Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal

Date: 21st May 2023

Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) notable quotes added to my 'worthy quotes' collection.

'Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical.'

'Reason's last step is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things which are beyond it.'

'The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of... We know the truth not only by the reason, but by the heart.' Pensées

It is significant that one of the great thinkers at the start of 'The Age of Reason' warns of the limitations of 'reason'.

Pascal quotes


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Articles of Religion
Articles of Religion

Date: 20th May 2023

The 'Articles of Religion' from The Book of Common Prayer 1662

Articles of Religion

This is a copy of the 39 Articles of Religion stated in the Church of England's 'Book of Common Prayer', published in 1662. I have replaced the archaic 'long s', (ſ), with the modern short 's' but otherwise preserved the original spelling.

Pdf download Book of Common Prayer


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Date: 11th May 2023

ABC interview with Warren Mundine on merged 'No' campaign organisation: 'Australians for Unity' (video)

local-copy      transcript

Warren Mundine explains that the 'No' campaigns run by himself and Jacinta Price have merged into one, called 'Australians for Unity'.

Their main arguments against a 'yes' vote to enshrine an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament are:

  • We support recognition of Aboriginal people in the Constitution but there should have been a two-part question: recognition and voice.
  • If you are going to have a Voice to Parliament it should be legislated now, (not put in the Constitution), so we know what it looks like and if there's any problems we can fix them.
  • One legal opinion is that even if the Voice is put in the constitution, Governments don't have to legislate it. So why go to all this bother.
  • The Calma-Langton review is all over the place—a complete muddle.
  • Aboriginal people have got a voice already, as citizens of this country. Why set up another bureaucracy at regional and federal levels, to sit around a table and have conversations. We have to focus on practical outcomes on the ground in communities.
  • In 1967 we recognised Aboriginal people as citizens and shifted race out of the constitution, and now we're going to be putting race back in the constitution.


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ABC News
ABC News

Date: 11th April 2023

Complaint about the ABC's failure to report International Men's Day (article)

I complained to the ABC in December 2023 that for the past two years they have failed to mention International Men's Day when it comes around on 19th November.

The ABC's reply was totally inadequate, and I have followed through with a complaint to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).

The ACMA's initial reply was another total 'blow off'. So I have now heard from Nerida O'Loughlin, chair of the ACMA. She acknowledges that the ABC code of conduct obliges the ABC to 'not knowingly excluded or disproportionately represent ... any significant strand of thought or belief within the community,' but notes it is not obliged to cover all possible matters and issues, and failing to mention an issue (such as International Men's Day) is an editorial matter, [presumably] not bound by the code of practice.

So the ABC Code of Conduct only 'kicks in' once a decision has been made (editorial) on what current issues to report on.

I honestly feel that this is scandalous!

ABC Complaint article     Reply letter


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ABC News
ABC News

Date: 9th April 2023

ABC News: Deaf Australians and those with disabilities push to end exclusion from juries   SBS News (article)

This ABC News article tells of the struggle of a deaf man, whose main language is Auslan, to be allowed to serve on juries in Victroria. The thrust of his argument is that he could fulfill his duties as a juror with the help of an Auslan interpreter.

The man's case, and the article, presume that the communication of meaning that takes place when someone testifies in a court room is no more than the words uttered—which could be adequately conveyed by those words being typed up in a transcript or conveyed via sign language by an Auslan interpreter.

It totally ignores the contribution of voice tone, infelection, resonance and a host of other qualities that contribute to communication when we speak.

A deaf person may observe the physical demeanour and gestures of a witness, but he would have no reliable perception of the subtlties of tone that contribute to a witness sounding convincing and truthful or unreliable or uncertain.

This is political correctness gone mad. It is akin to the notion that quadraplegic people should be given the opportunity to become lifeguards.

online      local-copy


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ABC Afternoon Briefing
ABC Afternoon Briefing

Date: 2nd April 2023

ABC News lack of coverage of voice 'No' campaign  (article)

A segment appeared on the ABC 'Afternoon Briefing' program on Friday 31st March 2023 where reporter, Matthew Doran, interviews John Anderson (former Deputy Prime Minister) about the 'Recognise a Better Way' group. John Anderson is a committee member of this group which is campaigning for a 'no' vote at the upcoming referendum for an Aboriginal voice to parliament in the Australian constitution.

Doran is under the impression that the March 31st event was the launch of the 'Recognise a Better Way' campaign, but Anderson points out that it was launched in January. The ABC didn't cover the event on TV, and the ABC News online text report doesn't appear to have been publicised, even to their main Canberra correspondent (Doran).

Anderson outlines the arguments that his group is raising in support of a 'no' vote, and also their alternative suggestions.

transcript   video   



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Hanson on the Voic
Hanson on the Voice

Date: 28th March 2023

Pauline Hanson on the voice to parliament: Pauline Hanson speaking in federal parliament on the voice (video)

video   transcript


Date: 28th March 2023

Ray Hadley Morning show 23/03/2023: National Indigenous Australian Agency $4.4 billion annual budget (radio recording)

online   local-copy

It is claimed that a Federal Government Indigenous body with a $4.4 billion annual budget, has drawn up a list of 11 demands to be made once 'The Voice' is established. Copies of the original documents were tabled in parliament by Pauling Hanson.

I have put up links on the Internet Archive page (link) and the 'Agenda" page (link)


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Date: 23rd March 2023

Gatekeeper Bias And How It Impacts Everything

A copy of an article posted on Medium by Peter Burns. It puts forward a useful logical structure for understanding how the information we receive daily is selected, suppressed or trivialised so as to support various dominant forces and/or opinions in modern society.

The article provides a useful image for understanding the mechanism by which information transmission and suppression is achieved, however, it does not delve into the forces that form the biases enacted by the 'gatekeepers'. The model leaves those as 'blank spaces' to be filled by further research.



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Date: 22nd March 2023

ABC News: The 'elephant in the room' of racism in Australia's aged care homes (article)

online   local-copy

This article finds racism in the behaviour of people with dementia against immigrant workers. It presents a simplistic view of geriatric nursing.

I note it doesn't mention communication skills.

To adequately care for a dementia sufferer you have to be very articulate: clear in your speech and use a vocabulary and pace that the patient can understand. Unless you can communicate effectively, the patient becomes frightened and resists. (I worked in the industry for years and frequently came to work and found patients with severe bruising from being roughly handled.)

Many immigrant aged care workers have very limited English and lack the cultural sensitivities to be able to relate effectively with dementia patients. (I have witnessed many scenes of workers 'jabbering' at elderly patients, in a dialect they can't understand, and physically forcing them to do what they want them to do!)

These old people are frightened and are being abused on a daily basis, by a system that is blinkered as to the realities of residential aged care, by obsessive 'political correctness' and the powerful lobby group that make their livings out of discovering racism everywhere.


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The Passing of the Aborigines
The Passing of the Aborigines

Date: 21st March 2023

Daisy Bates (1863-1951) CBE was an Irish-Australian journalist, welfare worker and self-taught anthropologist who conducted fieldwork amongst several Indigenous nations in western and southern Australia. Bates was a lifelong student of Australian Aboriginal culture and society and was the first anthropologist to carry out a detailed study of Australian Aboriginal culture.

Bates' accounts of Aboriginal culture, were published in the Journal of Agriculture and later by anthropological and geographical societies in Australia and overseas. She published 'The Passing of the Aborigines: A Lifetime spent among the Natives of Australia' in 1938.

The Passing of the Aborigines


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Date: 16th March 2023

An opinion article in the Australian newspaper, in which Keith Windschuttle justifies and defends the ideas he has put forward about the fabrication of Aboriginal history, in his book 'The Fabrication of Aboriginal History: Volume One, Van Diemen's Land 1803-1847'. (2002)

In his book, Windschuttle argued that violence between whites and Aborigines in colonial Tasmania had been vastly exaggerated and sought to rewrite one of the most troubling parts of Australian history. He wrote the article for the Australian after Robert Manne published a collection of essays by leading writers on Aboriginal history, Whitewash: On Keith Windschuttle’s Fabrication of Aboriginal History, that attacked his claims.



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Chefs cooking

Racism in the Food Industry

Date: 12th March 2023

I have taken a copy of an article that appeared in the ABC news feed on 12th March 2023:

online      local-copy

The writers present the views of two 'food experts' that suggest there is an insidious racism evident in the Australian food industry.

picture of Jess Ho

If you believe what these two 'experts' say, then you will realise you are expressing racist views every time you eat a chinese meal or buy a kebab. (You are are only superficially engaging with the culture and are thus trivialising it.)

picture of Sukhmani Khorana

What is being expressed are views of people who have careers based on uncovering 'racism' and 'discrimination'. They offer no supporting evidence and use generalised terms such as 'white consumers'.

The actual logic of the piece is that 'white' people are inherently racist because of their colonial past. No accommodation is made for the existence of white Australians of Italian, Romanian, Greek, etc., heritage, who do not have a colonial history.

Also, no explanation is made for the situation where an 'ethnic' person, say an Arab, Japanese, Chinese, etc., dines on the cuisine of another ethnic group. Are they immune from racist thoughts? Or are they engaging on a 'deep level'?

The article is basically rubbish, fuelling the flames of racism and division to enrich those who make a career out of 'discovering' and 'calling-out' what they 'consider' to be non-woke aspects of modern life.

It is a simple but clear example of the extremes the ABC will go to to fuel racial division, denigrate Western culture and anyone who claims white caucasian heritage.


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Internet Archive
Internet Archive

Group Dynamics

Date: 6th March 2023

As study of groups and their dynamics is essential for understanding many things about odern life. We are constantly engaged in groups: friends, co-workers, residents of a building, voters etc. And the dynamics of groups affect us all.

I have noticed in many of the 'woke' news items that litter the daily media that basic attributes of group behaviour and dynamics are given a sinister interpretation as instances of discrimination and oppression of minorities or vogue groups such as 'women'. Often though, what is seen as discrimination against a minority group member is simply the group behaviour that every member of the group experiences.

This is a copy of the Wikipedia article on 'group dynamics'. I take a copy as I wish to reference sections of it in future articles.(article)

online      local-copy


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Date: 27th February 2023

Today I have started a new sub-section of 'Articles' entitled 'ARTICLES BY READERS'.

This piece by Keith Harding gives voice to the growing awareness that our culture is falling prey to fascism once again!

'WOKEISM' the new mask of FASCISM


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Ehret mucusless diet
Ehret mucusless diet

Date: 27th February 2023

Arnold Ehret 1866 – 1922, was a German naturopath and alternative health educator, best known for developing the Mucusless Diet Healing System. Ehret authored books and articles on dieting, detoxification, fruitarianism, fasting, food combining, health, longevity, naturopathy, physical culture and vitalism.

I first encountered The Mucusless-Diet Healing System in the 1970, when it was the go-to book on radical vegetarianism.

Whilst some of Ehret's ideas may be misguided, his attitude, that our notions of physical health and body chemistry are often not founded on clear observation or substantiated fact, gives a refreshing look at nutrition, self-healing and bodily health.

Ehret researched the science of 'fasting' in great depth, and the lessons on fasting are essential reading for anyone contemplating doing so.

Mucusless-Diet Healing System


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Date: 22nd February 2023

The other side of the voice to parliament debate

The first book I put up on this site was George Orwell's '1984'. This is because I see the mechanisms of suppression, brain-washing and silencing, that Orwell describes, in full flight in modern Australian society.

The most prominent current topic for misinformation and suppression of opinions, is the discussion of an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament.

I will gradually be collecting resources that clearly state the arguments for both the 'yes' and the 'no' campaigns. However, since the ABC has been running a massive 'yes' campaign (in defiance of its own code of practice), I feel it important to publicise some well argued 'no' opinions first.

 The Voice to Parliament—Abbott: Inside the News: Tony Abbott 2023 (video)
            online   local-copy   transcript

 The Voice to Parliament—Waitangi: Effects of the Waitangi tribunal in New Zealand 2023 (video)
            online   local-copy   transcript


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Date:17th February 2023

The ABC races to the bottom of the pond of political correctness

The ABC News reported today on the earthquakes in Turkey. I noticed that have started using the Turkish word 'Türkiye', (pronounced turk-e-ya), instead of the English 'Turkey'.

Another step in the long march to discredit British and European culture, the English language and to disenfranchise the speakers of English. The seem oblivious to the fact that to say 'Turkey', in the way that they propose, requires the speaker to make sounds that are not in the phonetic inventory of English. They are in fact, saying a word in Turkish (or trying to).

Daily Thoughts


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Date: 1st February 2023

The Australian Human Rights Commission: 'About Constitutional Recognition'

The Australian prime minister has made a clear statement that the government will not be funding a 'Yes' or a 'No' campaign for the coming referendum for an Aboriginal voice to parliament.

However this article, copied from The Australian Human Rights Commission web site, is grossly supportive of the 'Yes' campaign. Many of the claims as to the benefits of constitutional recognition seem to me pure speculation, such as achieving unity by enshrining difference.

Original web page: link
Local copy: link


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Date: 26th January 2023

The Australian Constitution

The wording of this presentation of the Australian Constitution is taken from and a printed version purchased from the Australian Government Publishing Service in 2002.

The Australian Constitution


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Date: 18th January 2023

Yevgeny Zamiatin (1884-1937) became a member of the Bolshevik's Pre-Revolutionary underground at an early age. However, after the October Revolution he became deeply disturbed by the policies pursued by the All-Union Communist Party. He subsequently used literature to both satirise and criticise the Soviet Union's enforced conformity and increasing totalitarianism.

'We' (written between 1920 and 1921), is set many centuries into the future, in One State, an urban society constructed almost entirely of glass apartment-buildings, which assist mass surveillance by the secret police. The structure of the One State is Panopticon-like, and life is scientifically managed based on the theories of W. Taylor. People march in step with each other and are uniformed. There is no way of referring to people except by numbers assigned by the One State. The society is run strictly by logic or reason as the primary justification for the laws or the construct of the society. The individual's behaviour is based on logic by way of formulas and equations outlined by the One State.



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Date: 13th January 2023

Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931) was a French polymath whose areas of interest included anthropology, psychology, sociology, medicine, invention, and physics. He is best known for his 1895 work The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, which is considered one of the seminal works of crowd psychology.

local copy  pdf


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Date: 30th December 2022

Complaint submitted to the ABC

The ABC is the Australian national broadcaster. They do not run advertisements — they are fully funded by taxpayer dollars.

They are meant to follow a 'code of practice' which states that they must present all sides of issues without taking a partial stance. They are also obliged to not knowingly neglect to publicise relevant opinions about issues. The code states specifically that the ABC should behave such that: 'no significant strand of thought or belief within the community is knowingly excluded or disproportionately represented.'

I have observed that the ABC incessantly promotes women's issues and neglects those of men, even to the extent of misrepresenting data and crafting language so as to shed a poor light on men in general. This is a copy of a complaint about what I perceive as a policy of misandry being followed by the ABC

Complaint to the ABC


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Date: 23rd December 2022

ABC Code of Practice

In Australia we call the ABC is a national broadcaster that operates numerous TV and radio stations as well as providing online and streaming resources.

The ABC is 100% funded by taxpayer dollars, so they don't run commercial advertisements and the organisation was set up under a charter that obliges them to present a balanced and fair reporting of current events, and faithfully represent the interests of all Australians. The definitive statement of the ABC's obligations are stated in a code of practice.

ABC Code of Practice


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Date: 18th December 2022

Recent additions to the terms defined in glossary, including deduction, induction, abduction, deixis, degrowth & hegemony.

These are all important concepts for understanding the thought processes of 'popular opinion'.


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Date: 15th December 2022

Willard Van Orman Quine was an American philosopher and logician in the analytic tradition, recognized as one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century.

His 1952 'The Methods of Logic" is a wonderful exposition of the formal concepts of modern logic and the techniques of reasoning. I give here just the introduction (with a summary), but I will gradually put up the entire work. See also 'From a Logical Point of View'.

The Methods of Logic


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Date: 11th December 2022

A posting on '' by Bruce McGraw outlining a quantum paradigm, whereby the future is not determined (as with the deterministic Newtonian paradigm), but rather allured or enticed. It parallels the Christian message of hope through forgiveness in Christ: past failings don't have to determine our future, we can 'envision' and attain a favourable future, that is not causally determined by our past.

Harmonizing with the Cosmic Flow


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Date: 5th December 2022

A posting on '' by Andrew Springer that outlines the beliefs and practices of a 21st century permutation of Christianity called 'Progressive Christianity'.

Basically it is transcending Christian beliefs/icons of mind, to unite and participate with a spirituality that is common to all the great religions and pathways of spiritual development.

What is Progressive Spirituality?


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Date: 4th December 2022

A 2019 Fox News interview: Mark Levin interviews a climate scientist, Dr Patrick J. Michaels — a 'climate change sceptic'. He agrees that global temperatures have risen, but not by 'a lot', and a 8.5% temperature rise since 1880 does not pose a problem for mankind or the environment.

This article lists his claims, examines their logical foundation and explores Dr Michaels' motivations.

Fox News on Climate Change.


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Date: 25th November 2022

John P. A. Ioannidis: Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Bio: Professor of Medicine and of Health Research and Policy at Stanford University School of Medicine and a Professor of Statistics at Stanford University School of Humanities and Sciences. See Stanford Profiles:

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False


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Date: 17th November 2022

Ernest Belfort Bax was an English barrister, journalist, philosopher, men's rights advocate, socialist, and historian.

He was a passionate advocate for the social and legal rights of men, which he saw as lacking in comparison to the legal rights of women.

IB: I have only just started looking at this book. Many of Bax's assertions seem like blasphemy in today's climate of 'political correctness'. But I am interested to see how his claims stand up to examination in the light of modern research and how they may illuminate some of the notions we take for granted today.

The Fraud of feminism


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Date: 14th November 2022

internet Archive. Reorganisation of the page. Many articles moved to separate documents. A collection added of videos and transcripts concerning political correctness.

★ John Anderson — Konstantin Kisin: 'Free Speech, Comedy, and Woke Culture'
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Andrew Bolt — Discussing Bruce Pascoe's claims in 'Dark Emu'.
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Geoffrey Blainey & Warren Mundine — Dark Emu, Bruce Pascoe and the Hunter-Gatherer Controversy
            YouTube   transcript   local-copy
★ William Lind video: The History of Political Correctness.
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Bill Maher video: A unified theory of wokeness
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Bill Maher video: John Cleese on political incorrectness
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Bill Maher video: Nobody likes political correctness
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Bill Burr video: On Women for 20 minutes straight.
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Bill Burr video: 11 Minutes of Bill Burr
            YouTube   local-copy
★ Lidia Thorpe: Queens day of mourning protests.
            online   local-copy
★ Mehreen Faruqi: Calls Pauline Hanson a racist:   SBS News article.
            online   local-copy


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Date: 30th October 2022

Buddha quotes. A small collection of notable quotes from Buddha.

Buddha: Notable quotes.


Date: 10th October 2022

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860). He is considered a pessimist, but many of his ideas are appealing and constructive ways of looking at life experience.

Arthur Schopenhauer: A collection of quotes.


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Date: 17th September 2022

An article in Wikipedia on the life, works and philosophy of Michel Foucault, French philosopher.

Wikipedia   local copy


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Date: 10th August 2022

25 April 2022, an internet report on the European Commission's announcement that thousands of the most notorious chemicals will be rapidly banned in Europe, as part of the Zero-pollution goal in the EU Green Deal. (Internet article copied to archive.)

The great detox   local copy


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Mabo v Queensland
Mabo v Queensland


Date: 7th August 2022

Mabo v Queensland (No 2) is a decision of the High Court of Australia, decided on 3 June 1992. It is a landmark case, brought by Eddie Mabo against the State of Queensland.

We hear a lot about 'native title' and 'terra nullius', all stemming from this case in the HIgh Court, but few people bother to actually read the published judgements of the 7 High Court judges involved.

In the 18th century, the residents of a land were not considered 'owners' of the land unless they practised agriculture. Uncultivated land was considered to be 'terra nullius', land belonging to no-one. So the legal documents brought to Australia by governor Phillip in 1788, which established the British colony of New South Wales, were correct according to the meaning of terms at the time. The fact that 200 years later, we have different ideas, different meanings, does not automatically make those old documents invalid.

In any case, the Mabo case was not about Aboriginal Australia, it was about the Muray Islands which were annexed by Queensland in 1878. This action was motivated by a desire to restore order to those islands and protect the islanders from 'blackbirding.' They were never considered 'terra nullius' as the islanders were traditional gardeners with a strong tradition of land ownership.

The High Court's online publication of the Mabo judgement(s), some 90,000 words, (link), is barely readable (formatting errors etc.). However, the various judgements contain some marvellous legal arguments with precedent material going back to the 14th century.

Here is a suitably formatted online copy. I have added a basic 'Table of Contents' so you can jump to the beginning of the various judgements.

Mabo v Queensland 1992


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Date: 14th July 2022

Limitations of language. The four basic limiting characteristics of language, (objectification, linearity, abstraction and subjectivity), combine in various ways to produce further (composite) limitations. The most obvious of these is is the assumption, inherent in language, that all things exist in time and space.

The language logic of location


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Date: 14th June 2022

Michel Foucault, in his 1961 book: Folie et Déraison: ‘Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique’, constructs an archaeology of madness, tracing the conceptualisation and treatment of madness or insanity throught the various ages since medieval times. He develops the concepts of ‘reason’ as the approved thought and logic of the ruling powers of the day, which seeks to silence and disempower any alternate views, which are labelled as ‘unreason’. This category thus includes pathological psychiatric conditions as well as divergent or revolutionary views.

Michel Foucault: ‘Madness and Civilizarion’ (A university essay.)


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Date: 8th June 2022

Kuhn: the Scientific Paradigm

Thoman Kuhn, in 1963, proposed the notion of a scientific paradigm: a set of concepts and practices that define a scientific discipline at any particular period of time.

Kuhn: Scientific Paradigm


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Date: 7th May 2022

Rhetorical devices

Rhetoric is the art of persuasive speaking or writing. It uses ‘rhetorical devices’ to appeal to various sensibilities of the audience to persuade them to accept and agree with the speaker’s or writer’s point of view. This page contains a list of common rhetorical devices, listed alphabetically.

Rhetorical devices


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Date: 4th March 2022

'Pagan': a study in vilification

The Christian church has eradicated or corrupted our memory of all ancient religions. Centuries of vilification has permeated our language with bias, to the extent that we are unable to conceive of, or describe, the true nature of the religious beliefs and practices of the pre-christian eras.

Pagan: a weaponised word


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Date: 2nd March 2022

6 Famous libraries that were tragically destroyed.

An article from, by Julius Lobo, which lists 6 famous libraries (which we know about), that have been destroyed throughout history, mostly by 'conquering forces' seeking to eradicate all traces of a former state or regime.



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Date: 21st February 2022

Quotes Worthy of Study

I often come across quotes from people, both famous and obscure, that I consider worthy of repeating and studying.
Particularly, in this collection, I will be accumulating quotations that further the philosophy and objectives of the Wordwise site.



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Date: 2nd February 2022


When we hear a list of terms, we tend to assume (often wrongly) that the terms share a commonality of meaning. Some terms, like 'religion'. have been so corrupted in their meaning that they act like crumbling bricks in the foundations of our understanding.

Philosophy, Religion, Spirituality


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Date: 3rd January 2022

From a Logical Point of View:

A collection of 9 essays by Willard Van Orman Quine (published in 1953).
Concepts of language and logic are explored in relation to 'meaning', 'analytic' and 'synthetic' statements, and ontological commitment. Quine blows apart many comon notions of what we can prove exists and what can be called 'true'. The second essay: 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism' has been described as 'the most important [paper] in all of twentieth-century philosophy'1*.

From a Logical Point of View

1*Wikipedia: Two Dogmas of Empiricism


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Date: 20th December 2021

Discussion of the book: The Dawn of Everything, by David Graeber and David Wengrow.
The traditional concept of civilization progressing with agriculture and technology towards modern urban living, is revealed to be a myth. Examines the huge variety of social organisation and community structures evidenced by so called ‘primitive’ cultures.
The fact a copy of this book is not held in the NSW State Library, or any other Australian on-line catalogue, demonstrates how established dogma censors divergent views by neglect.

Everything we “know” about the rise of Man is wrong


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Date: 29th November 2021

The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece.

Reputed to be the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (Hermetic teachings). Provides a Master-Key for students to understand the fundamentals of esoteric philosophy.
There are seven Hermetic principles, upon which the entire Hermetic philosophy is based:

1. The principle of mentalism;
2. The principle of correspondence;
3. The principle of vibration;
4. The principle of polarity;
5. The principle of rhythm;
6. The principle of cause and effect;
7. The principle of gender.

The Kybalion


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Date: 24th September 2021

When we hear a list of terms, we tend to assume a commonality between them which doesn't exist.
Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality


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Date: 20th September 2021

Article by John Elder on The effect of the Moon on men's sleep


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Date: 15th September 2021

Transcript of a Youtube video of Alan Watts discussing Hinduism and Buddhism.
The Path to Enlightenment


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Date:5th September 2021

Interview with theoretical physicist Marcello Gleiser
Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method


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Date: 5th September 2021

Internet Archive

Links to internet resources of interest and that have been referenced on pages on the Wordwise web site.


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Date: 14th August 2021

‘Bulfinch's Mythology’ by Thomas Bulfinch.

Currently I have just put up the first part of this work by Thomas Bulfinch (1796 – 1867): Stories of Gods and Heroes. It contains an extensive account of ancient Greek mythology written for the layman.


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Date: 8th August 2021

Quotes from ‘The Power of Myth’ by Joseph Campbell.

Puts world religions and personal and societal quests for spiritual fulfillment, into the context of the mythological concepts and themes that have permeated human culture for thousands of years.


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Date: 28th July 2021

Greek Numbers

What are numbers? To say ‘one’ of anything exists is a contentious ontological statement.


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Date: 27th June 2021

Reference Text Extracts

Short extracts from reference documents that have been cited on other pages.


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Date: 20th June 2021

The four basic drives

The sephoroth Malchut is the centre for four basic drives of the human being.


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Date: 2nd May 2021

Index of Plato's Dialogues

I am gradually putting up html renditions of the dialogues of Plato, with each dialogue paragraph (or segment) given an html anchor tag to enable accurate referencing from other pages.


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Date: 25th April 2021

PTSD booklet
a pdf download

A download of a useful booklet on the subject of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


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Date: 24th April 2021


One of the dialogues of Plato c.424 – c.348 BC.


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Date: 15th April 2021

Common logical fallacies.

The most common logical fallacies. A good general starting point for study.


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Date: 10th April 2021

Overview of Logical Fallacies

A short, general introduction to the two alphabetical lists of formal and informal logical fallacies.


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Date: 9th April 2021

List of Formal Logical Fallacies

Formal logical fallacies — occur when an invalid argument form is used. Even if the premises are true, the argument form does not establish the necessary truth of the conclusion. The conclusion may turn out to be true, but it's truth is not established by the argument. The argument is considered ‘unsound’. This list will be expanded over time


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Date: 25th March 2021

List of Informal Logical Fallacies

Informal fallacies are arguments that follow valid logical forms but do not lead to conclusions that are necessarily true. The source of their ‘unsoundness’ lies in the argument's content, not it's form. This list will be expanded over time


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Date: 14th February 2021

An index of books I am reading.


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Date: 12th February 2021

Tobacco Tax

Data items become lost or inaccessible inside large and complex documents.


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Date: 4th February 2021

Mr, Mrs, Ms

There exists a general confusion about language and writing: what they are and the relationship between the two.


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Date: 21st January 2021

The Bible - the King James Version

I am gradually putting up html versions of the books of the old and new testaments found in the King James Authorized Version of the Bible. Eventually each chapter and verse will have an anchor tag enabling specific reference from other pages.


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Date: 19th January 2021

The Ten Commandments

Data items become lost or inaccessible inside large and complex documents.


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Date: 17th January 2021


A glossary of significant words and terms used in the Wordwise web pages, with definitions, explanations and examples. This file will be under continual development.


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Date: 5th January 2021

George Orwell: 1984

Published in 1949, Orwell's '1984' has been considered a 'futurist' novel that did not come about. However, if it did 'come about' we would be saying the same thing. Orwell was writing about movements in contemporary life, many of which have continued to develop. The similarities between Orwell's 'Newspeak' and the modern language of 'Political Correctness' cannot be denied.
      This is what I call a 'fair rendition' of the text into an html document.


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Date: December 2020

A Word for It 1: The Liar Paradox.

Many philosophical puzzles are based on misunderstandings of words.


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Date: 17th April 2020

A submission to the review of Federal environmental law.


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Date: April 2020

Plato's Theory of Forms. (A university essay.)

Once one becomes freed from the conditioning that there are ‘ facts’  and ‘ truths’ , and see that everything is imagery of one form or another, then constructs such as Plato's Theory of Forms become useful tools for refining our perception of the human condition. By constantly seeking the immortal, perfect concept embodied in the corrupt, imperfect sense perception, we are practising ‘ Plato's art of dialectic’ . The ultimate ‘ truth’  of Plato's conception is irrelevant: it is a fantastic tool to add to our conceptual arsenal.


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Date: April 2020

Adages and Sayings.

Common sayings, adages and proverbs contain much wisdom. This page contains a searchable ist of sayings drawn from our culture's 'folk memory' and various other sources.
I will gradually add information as to origin with small essays etc.


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Date: March 2020

Organic Language Part 3.

The conditioned response we develop through learning to read and write



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Date: March 2020
Subject: Document mechanics (IB)

China and Opium.

There is a principle called the ‘ orthodoxy of the text’ , by which once an idea is printed in a book, it gathers credence purely from having been printed. The notion of the ‘ Chinese Opium Den’  is examined and found misleading. Behind the somnolent Chinese lurks a powerful British drug lord.


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Date: February 2020
Subject: Books I am Reading. (IB)

Francis Bacon: The Advancement of Learning

In 1605, Francis Bacon published ‘ Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Human’ . A survey of the fields of human knowledge, the state of achievement and the impediments to progress in each field. I give here some comments and quotations I found worthy of remembering.


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Date: 12th February 2020
Subject: Books I am Reading: Orally based thought and expression.

Walter J. Ong: Orality and Literacy. The Technologizing of the Word.

First published in 1982. Groundbreaking research into societies without writing (oral cultures). Explains how the people conceive of language and how their thought processes differ from those of people living in societies with writing.


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Date: December 2019
Subject: Publications: Organic Language. Regaining natural speech perception.

Organic Language: Part 1 supplement
Organic Language: Part 2 supplement


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Date: December 2019

Printing conventions eviscerate art.

William Blake.


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Date: September 2019
Subject: Conventions of written documents and institutions obstructing clear communication. (IB)



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Date: August 2019
Subject: Logic and the inherent limitations of language. (IB)

An examination of a simple question :

‘ How many leaves on a tree?’ 


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Date: August 2019
Subject: Inherent limitations of language. (IB)

‘ Language Logic’ : Spoken languages contain a conceptual framework of reality that is geared for survival. This framework leads to logical errors when the language is put into writing or used to analyse complex problems. The main limiting factors can be labelled as objectification, linearity, abstraction and subjectivity.

Language Logic


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Date: July 2019
Subject: Reading old documents. (IB)

Examines the changing meaning of the adjective fit (and hence fittest) from the 1860s to the present.

‘The Survival of the Fittest’


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Aspects of hearing with development exercises: We are conditioned to accept a simple concept of hearing that involves the ears alone. However, there are other factors that contribute to our perception of sound and in particular human speech.

Hearing with your body.
Acoustic hearing.
Using breath to make sound.
From sound to speech.
Active reading.
From sound to symbol.


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Date: July 2019
Subject: Reading old documents. (IB)

Document Mechanics: The conventions of written documents and the institutions that use them can obstruct clear communication.

The meaning of a document derives from the context of its creation.

The Story of Onan
China and Opium


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Date: June 2019
Subject: About the author.

Ian G. Bruce


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Date: May 2019
Subject: The effects of literacy: The way we conceive of language changes when we learn to read and write. There are also a host of other changes in our thought processes.

Organic Language publication


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Date: May 2019
Subject: Wordwise opening page.