Spoken Language |
Effects of literacy |
Language logic |
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Confusion between written language and writing |
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Spoken Language |
Effects of literacy |
Language logic |
Hearing development |
Confusion between written language and writing |
Writing & Documents | ||||
Misuse and abuse of Words |
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Internet archive | ||||
Articles by Readers |
The effects of literacy: When we learn to read and write, the way we conceive of, and perceive language, changes. More generally, gaining literacy effects a host of other changes in our thought processes.
Organic Language publication
Part 1 supplement
Part 2 supplement
Part 3 supplement
Characteristics of orally based thought: Factors identified by anthropologist Walter J. Ong in ‘Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word’.
Orally based thought and expression.
The introduction to a 2004 draft of Organic Language.
Language Logic: Spoken languages contain a conceptual framework of reality that is geared for survival. This framework leads to logical errors when the language is put into writing or used to analyse complex problems. The main limiting factors can be labelled as objectification, linearity, abstraction and subjectivity.
Language Logic
Aspects of hearing with development exercises: We are conditioned to accept a simple concept of hearing that involves the ears alone. However, there are other factors that contribute to our perception of sound, and in particular, human speech.
Hearing with your body.
Acoustic hearing.
Using breath to make sound.
From sound to speech.
Active reading.
From sound to symbol.
Speech & writing: There exists a general confusion between language and writing: what they are and the relationship between the two.
Document Mechanics: The conventions of written documents and the institutions that use them can obstruct clear communication.
Words change meaning over time:
The meaning of a document derives from the context of its creation:
The Story of Onan
China and Opium
Data items become lost or inaccessible inside large and complex documents:
The Ten Commandments
Tobacco Tax
Printing conventions eviscerate art:
Transferring between media requires translation:
Over time, words can accumulate connotations and conventions of misuse that eviscerate the word, making it impossible to use the word and convey its original meaning.
Pagan-Heathen The Christian church has eradicated or corrupted our memory of all ancient religions. Centuries of vilification has permeated our language with bias, to the extent that we are unable to conceive of, or describe, the true nature of the religious beliefs and practices of the pre-christian eras.
Pagan: a weaponised word
Philosophy-Religion-Spirituality When we hear a list of terms, we tend to assume (often wrongly) that the terms share a commonality of meaning. Some terms, like ‘religion’. have been so corrupted in their meaning that they act like crumbling bricks in the foundations of our understanding.
Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality
Reports & Findings The words 'reports' and 'findings' are so misused in the modern dialogue that their meanings have been corrupted. Times were when they carried a meaning somewhat related to 'verifiable' or 'factual', but today they more often refer to the propaganda put out by interest groups.
Here is a page dedicated to collecting analyses of reports presented in the media as factual, but analysis shows to be propaganda.
Since the start of the ‘ Age of Reason’ in the 17th century, the modern dialogue accepts as axiomatic that human reasoning can explore and develop to the extent that we will fully understand all the workings of nature. Such an assumption is an hypothesis that is neither supported nor disproved by logic and the application of scientific method.
Word games:
Many philosophical questions are based on misunderstandings of words.
A Word for It 1: The Liar Paradox.
What are numbers? To say ‘one’ of anything exists, is a contentious ontological statement.
A simple exercise in determining a ‘fact’ .
Logical fallacies:
Reference lists of formal & informal logical fallacies. These lists will be expanded over time.
Overview of logical fallacies.
Common logical fallacies
List of formal logical fallacies.
List of Informal logical fallacies.
Tools of persuasion:
Rhetorical devices: When it comes to presenting ideas and opinions, logical argument and fallacious argument may feature, but they can be considered as devices within the repetoire of rhetoric. Whilst logic aims to demonstrate truth, rhetoric aims to persuade (by any means), towards agreement with a position, that is not necessarily truthful.
An alphabetical list of Rhetorical devices
(the tools of oratory).
Plato's theory of forms: Once one is freed from the conditioning that there are ‘facts’ and ‘truths’, and see that everything is imagery of one form or another, then constructs such as Plato's ‘Theory of Forms’ become useful tools for refining our perception of the human condition. By constantly questioning and analysing our corrupt, imperfect sense perceptions, and notions about reality, we are practising Plato's ‘art of dialectic’, and may ascend, step by step, to perceive directly the realm of the immortal, perfect concepts, instead of their shadows which we perceive with our senses. The ultimate ‘truth’ of Plato's conception is irrelevant—it is a fantastic tool to add to our conceptual arsenal.
Plato's Theory of Forms (a university essay):
Michel Foucault: In his 1961 book: Folie et Déraison: ‘Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique’, Michel Foucault constructs an archaeology of madness, tracing the conceptualisation and treatment of madness (what the establishment considers to be ‘insane’), through the various ages since medieval times. He develops the concepts of ‘reason’ as the approved thought and logic of the ruling powers of the day, which seeks to silence and disempower any alternate views, which are labelled as ‘unreason’. This category thus includes pathological psychiatric conditions as well as divergent or revolutionary views.
Michel Foucault: ‘Madness and Civilization’ (a university essay):
Scientific paradigms: The prevalent social dialogue (in news, media & entertainment), puts forward an image of reality that is in accord with the ruling episteme and the predominant forces of the age. Information that indicates an alternate view is either actively suppressed or allowed to sink into obscurity by lack of attention (not given ‘air play’).
I will put up short articles here describing ‘structures of thought’ and ‘imagery’ that can be used to facilitate the perception and interpretation of what is going on and what is ‘real’.
Thomas Kuhn: the Scientific Paradigm
Gatekeeping: Perhaps the most prevalent tool for manipulating arguments and public opinion is the practice of 'Gatekeeping': selectively releasing information, setting the axioms for logical or ethical argument, restricting the choices available etc.
This article is the start of a collection of observations of active 'gatekeeping' in the modern dialogue.
Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976) a German philosopher famous for his theories of being and human nature.
He criticised the Cartesian framework, (Descartes), for not going beyond establishing that 'I' exist, and not inquiring into the nature of the existence of that entity which 'I' am. He also rejected the ambition of Western metaphysics to arrive at a total account, once and for all, of why things are as they are.
His concept of Dasien provides a refreshing liberation from mono-linear Enlightenment thought and embraces the fact that we are conscious self-interpreting selves embodied in material, social and historical contexts and above all constrained by our mortality.
What is the agenda?:TV, radio, newsfeeds & social media bombard us daily with visions of reality: purported facts and authoritative opinion. Butf what you see is the result of filtering and censorship that is not openly stated. By making many small observations of snippets from various media I hope to uncover the hidden agendas being followed.
Observations of material presented in the daily media.
Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2023: In early 2023, the Australian Federal Government called for public submissions on a proposed misinformation & disinformation bill. (draft bill pdf)
There were over 23,000 responses—many of them critical of the bill for suppressing free speech and setting up the government as the ultimate arbiter of truth. (my submission)
The government has subsequently put off the bill's introduction until sometime in 2024 and undertaken to 'overhaul' its provisions. (Guardian article)
This is just another sign of the evolution of political correctness and 'wokism' into fully fledged totalitarian dictatorship.
Arguments Against the First Nations' Voice toParliament
Australia is about to hold a referendum on whether or not to alter its constitution to create a permanent First Nations' voice to Parliament and Executive government.
Media presentations of the arguments for the 'No' case have been highly restricted, and given a biased and negative interpretation. So I have put together this collection of summaries.
Complaint to the ABC 30-12-2022: The ABC is the Australian national broadcaster. They do not run advertisements —' they are fully funded by taxpayer dollars.
They are meant to follow a 'code of practice' which states that they must present all sides of issues without taking a partial stance. The code states specifically that the ABC should behave such that: 'no significant strand of thought or belief within the community is knowingly excluded or disproportionately represented.'
I have observed that the ABC incessantly promotes women's issues and neglects those of men, even to the extent of misrepresenting data and crafting language so as to shed a poor light on men in general. This is a copy of a complaint about (what I perceive) as a policy of misandry being followed by the ABC
Complaint submitted to the ABC
Daily Thoughts: I often have 'snippets' of ideas that have the potential to be worked up into an articles. I will record some of them here for future reference.
Environmental law: Like any thinking person, I am concerned at the level of corruption in the ‘systems’ that govern Australia. I will gradually put up articles here on topics of current interest.
A submission to the review of Australian federal environmental law.
Allegra Spender asks voters what they think.
Where I live in Sydney has been allocated to the Federal electorate of Wentworth. It was previously in the electorate of Sydney, where the Minister for the Environment, Tania Plibersek — also known as the 'coal queen' for her reckless approval of new coal mines — has ruled with an iron fist for years.
Today, I received a letter, (generic), from Allegra Spender, the current federal member for Wentworth, asking me to go online and complete a survey, giving my views and describing the main issues I am concerned about. (Note: Tania Plibersek has never asked all her electors for their opinions.)
I have put up a rendition of my submission.
Internet Archive:The internet is a constantly changing landscape. I list here links to web sites, videos etc. but also copies and transcripts, so that they can be easily referenced from 'Wordwise' articles.
Index of archived articles and a collection of short articles:
Collections of quotes from, reviews of and fair renditions of books I consider important. I am also collecting pieces of data for generating future ebooks.
* * * KEITH HARDING * * *
Over the past few decades the notions of 'Political Correctness' have morphed into a new religion called 'Wokeism'. This piece by Keith Harding finds in Wokeism all the elements characteristic of Fascism: a new mask — the same actor.
'WOKEISM' the new mask of FASCISM
Words as representation. The great illusion of human languages: that they are a faithful representation of reality.
This delightful little essay by Keith Harding 'lays bare' the myth.