Three Antisemitic Slurs that Israel Makes True

How diabolical lies about Jews are being turned into ugly truths by the current crop of Zionists

This is a copy of a posting on '' by David Spero. It outlines the persistent anti-semitic tropes, that we all thought were fantasy, are being brought into horrid reality by the genocidal activities of modern-day Zionists.

  15th century blood libel

15th Century blood libel. Image Getty Museum

When someone criticizes Israel’s ongoing murders and oppression of Arabs, they are often accused of "spouting antisemitic tropes." According to Wikipedia, "Antisemitic tropes are longtime slanders against Jews as a people." Despite occasional glimmers of truth, most of these tropes have been discredited for centuries.

Since the founding of Israel, however, the Zionist state has set about transforming these tropes into incontrovertible facts. They don’t apply to all Jews, but for supporters of Israel, these three tropes seem more appropriate and true every day.

1. Jews control the media
The trope — Jews control the news we see by owning and editing the media.

The truth before Israel — there are a lot of Jewish writers, publishers, and movie makers. It’s a culture of scholarship and art, backed up by money. Jews own and operate some of the largest media platforms, but to say they ‘controlled’ the media was largely an overstatement.

The reality now — Israeli spies and lobbyists actually write, edit and publish stories on the biggest broadcasters, social media platforms and newspapers. Alan Macleod on Mint Press News documents how Israeli government propaganda is presented as reality in a variety of formats and can only be avoided with great effort.

According to Macleod, "no fewer than 99 former members Unit 8200 (an Israeli elite secret agent group) are now working for Google." Many others work in corporate and alternative media around the Western world and shape all our narratives about Israel.

One example is the charges against Hamas militants of mass rape on October 7, 2023. The New York Times ran cover stories about them; books were published, videos were made depicting Palestinians as sex criminals.

All those accusations turned out false. No woman has testified that she was raped, and no physical evidence has been found, but these genocide-triggering stories keep coming out.

Some of these stories were written by Israeli operatives who somehow got hired by the Times, or by former IDF fighters like Jeffrey Goldberg, now editor in chief of The Atlantic. British Broadcasting Company (BBC) is full of Unit 8200 graduates. The BBC is one of the world’s most trusted news outlets. More now work at TikTok to suppress users’ pro-Palestine videos.

Israel has similarly infiltrated European and Australian platformsAustralian platforms and is working on doing so in the rest of the world.

Bottom line is yes, the self-described Jewish state and its Zionist supporters do control the media.

2. Dual loyalty
The Trope - Jews are more loyal to Jewish institutions and people than they are to the countries in which they live.

The reality before Israel — Jews were like any other immigrant group. They supported each other while trying to fit into whatever country they were in, with the exception of being unwilling to embrace Christianity.

Jews were long excluded from the nations where they lived. In the year 1213, the Catholic Lateran Council IV decreed that Jews and heretics were to be kept separate from Christian society. Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern Jewish Zionism, grieved Jews’ exclusion from the mainstream, writing, "We have sincerely tried everywhere to merge with the national communities in which we live, seeking only to preserve the faith of our fathers. It is not permitted us." Where is the dual loyalty there?

The reality now — Israel has made dual loyalty a requirement of all American leaders, Jewish or not. Their Jewish supporters proudly claim loyalty to the Jewish state. Longtime Republican Party #1 donor Sheldon Adelson said, "I’m a single-issue guy, and my issue is Israel." Republican and Democrat, Jewish and Christian Israel supporters agree on this.

MAGA congressman Rep. Andy Barr of Kentucky, who often proclaims "America First," told reporters who questioned sending billions of dollars in arms to Israel, "Supporting Israel is an America-first policy." Another, Ohio Congressman Max Miller, has proposed that U.S. citizens fighting as Israeli soldiers should get US veterans’ benefit.

At the beginning of the Gaza massacres in 2023, then Secretary of State Antony Blinken went to Israel and told Prime Minister Netanyahu, "I come before you not only as secretary of state but also as a Jew," a fairly clear statement of dual loyalty.

Many of these dual loyalists actively favor Israel over America, although the two are pretty much the same when it comes to war. And some actually have dual citizenship in the US and Israel.

Bottom line — dual loyalty has moved from a trope to a truism.

3. Blood libel
The trope — Jews drink Christian kids’ blood in ceremonies or use it to bake matzo for Passover.

The reality before Israel — The blood libel was believed and parroted for centuries in Europe despite no evidence having been found. Indeed, drinking blood, let alone human blood, would be a gross violation of Jewish dietary (kosher) law.

Blood libel claims provoked many horrific attacks (called pogroms) against poor Jewish communities. They were published in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a book of anti-Jewish smears made up by the Tsar’s secret police in Russia and debunked by British and German media in the 1920s. These libels still come up every few years but don’t seem as persuasive as they once did.

The reality with Israel — Israel murders and tortures children, including over 15,000 known dead in Gaza in the last 15 months.

By now, the murder of children in Gaza and the West Bank has become impossible to deny or ignore, so Israel and its defenders now call all such well-documented claims "blood libels." Anyone who cites facts about child death is called an antisemite.

Bottom line — Jews in Israel aren’t killing children for use in rituals or recipes, but they are killing them in large numbers and doing it deliberately.

That is how Israel rolls. They bring to life all kinds of historic antisemitic slurs and take them to new levels. Then when anyone reports their actions, they discredit the allegations, no matter how well documented, as antisemitic tropes.

They are also creating new tropes.

Israel creates its own tropes
The Trope — Jews lie about everything. A search of lists of antisemitic tropes, compiled by various pro-Israel writers in 2024, does not mention this claim, but a lot of people talk about it, the definition of a trope.

Reality before Israel — Jews are just like everyone else. They lie sometimes and tell the truth sometimes.

Israel’s reality — As journalist Chris Hedges said after years reporting from the Middle East, Israel lies about everything. They take lies over the top, completely inverting reality, and the mainstream corporate media (Trope 1,) reports their lies as truth.

This trope has been in the world’s face since the Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023. Israel told stories of Hamas’ beheading Israeli babies, pictures of whom Joe Biden claimed to have seen, except that no headless babies or severed heads were ever found. IDF soldiers claimed to have found babies hung on clothes lines and baked in ovensbaked in ovens, except that no such bodies were found, and the government’s own list of victims includes only two children under age 2.

I already mentioned the widespread mass rape claims.. Despite absolutely no credible evidence supporting them, those triggering stories are still believed and cited to justify the murder of Arabs.

Israel also claimed the hospitals of Gaza were hiding Hamas command centers. They created elaborate computer images showing these headquarters and used them as an excuse to bomb hospitals and destroy Gaza’s health system But no command centers were found.

Israel has a history of false flag operations, meaning commission of some crime and blaming it on their enemies. In their 1967 war with Egypt, they bombed the US spy ship Liberty, killing 34 sailors and wounding about 150, apparently hoping the attack would be blamed on Egypt. Many in the 9/11 Truth movement believe Israel was deeply involved in those terror attacks, and it’s commonly pointed out on social media that "terror groups" like ISIS and al-Qaeda never attack Israeli targets, while their injured fighters may receive medical care in Israeli hospitals.

Bottom line — Israel lies a lot, as all warmakers do, and Western media uncritically repeats their fabrications. Hence, a new (and mostly true) trope has been created.

Who cares about this?
Antisemitic tropes have been around for 1800 years or so, and the world was finally making progress in debunking them. But when Israeli (Zionist) leaders found they could use them to their advantage, they started treating those tropes as free passes to do whatever crimes they wanted.

Only the military-industrial complex, of which Israel is a key part, tries to keep these narratives alive, since they divide people and justify war. We need to reject these slanders against Jews, but not allow Israel and their US partners to hide behind them to escape responsibility for their crimes.


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